SAMSUNG SM482plus SMTピックアンドプレースマシン

  • SAMSUNG SM482plus SMTピックアンドプレースマシン?imageView2/1/w/71/w/71

SAMSUNG SM482plus SMTピックアンドプレースマシン

Based on SM471 high-speed placement machine, the SM482 is a rugged, 6-axis universal machine with up to 55mm ICs for ruggedness and support for Polygon identification solutions.
For the shape of complex shaped components provide the best solution.Also, by applying electric feeder, increased practical productivity and placement quality.
It can share with the SM pneumatic feeder . The original SM3 / SM4 series of feed Therefore, it will be more convenient for the old customers, while saving the configuration of the dispenser (the latest electric feeder can get the highest accuracy and fast response speed, improve quality and production capacity).

Features of Refurbished SAMSUNG SM482plus Pick and Place 機械

Based on SM471 high-speed placement machine, the SM482 is a rugged, 6-axis universal machine with up to 55mm ICs for ruggedness and support for Polygon identification solutions. For the shape of complex shaped components provide the best solution. Also, by applying electric feeder, increased practical productivity and placement quality. It can share with the SM pneumatic feeder . The original SM3 / SM4 series of feed Therefore, it will be more convenient for the old customers, while saving the configuration of the dispenser (the latest electric feeder can get the highest accuracy and fast response speed, improve quality and production capacity).

Specification of Refurbished  Hanwha Pick and Place 機械
モデル SM471プラス SM481プラス SM482プラス
スピンドル 10 スピンドル ×2 Gantry 10 スピンドル ×1 Gantry 6 スピンドル ×1 Gantry
配置速度 78,000CPH(最適) 40,000CPH(最適) 30,000CPH(最適)
配置精度 ±40μm@μ±3σ ±40μm@μ±3σ ±40μm@μ±3σ
適用部品 0402 ~ 14mm(高さ12mm) 0402~42mm(H15mm) 0402~55mm(H15mm)
適用基板 最大510(L)×460(W)(標準) 最大460(L)×400(W)(標準) 最大460(L)×400(W)(標準)
最大610(L)×460(W)(オプション) 最大1500(L)×460(W)(オプション) 最大1200(L)×510(W)(オプション)
寸法(mm) 1650×1690×1458 1650×1680×1530 1650×1680×1458

2. 私たちは提供します 機械設置サービス 海外のお客様。
3. We Provide 機械s & クリーンルーム One- Stop Layout and 解決.
4.キングサンs engineering team is proficient in 英語 and Technology, no communication issues.

1. SMTフルラインソリューションとデバッグサービスを提供できます。
3. We can provide daily maintenance & repair service.


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