Features of AV132 High Speed Axial Component Insert 機械
1. Reduce load time by running two PCBS at once
2. Low cost per insertion
3. Easy to use touch screen
4.0.12s/component high-speed insertion
Features of JUKIさんさんJM-100自動軸方向コンポーネント挿入機
Best in class speed.
Component insertion time down to 0.6 seconds for vacuum nozzle and 0.8 seconds for gripper nozzle.
New “Takumi head
Features of JUKIさんさん JM-50 High Speed Automatic Axial Insertion 機械
Ideal for high-mix low-volume production.
New, flexible feeders increase component range providing superior productivity and fast
Features of JUKIさんさんJM-20自動軸挿入機
レーザー sensor for lead detection.
Wide variety of feeder types.
( フィーダs can be customized for specific components ).
Lead 90 degree bend function
Features of RMS自動ラジアル挿入機
>4 Feasibility of span insertion.
>Connected production feasibility.
>Connecting rod pressing mechanism, high speed and stable.
>Servo pushing mec
Features of AKM 自動軸方向挿入コンボマシン
1.4 Span insertion feasibility.
2.Connected production feasibility.
3. Connecting rod press mechanism, high speed and stability.
4. Servo pushi