


Features of  K-960タッチスクリーンチャンネルリフローオーブン   リフローオーブン 960 selects the intelligent level sirocco and rapid infrared heating technology controlling, equipped with special design wind wheel


Features of  K-937Sタッチスクリーン高温鉛フリーリフローオーブン   1.  Using high-speed and stable main control MCU, with advanced intelligent temperature measurement and control technology,


Features of  K-961S Touch Screen Channel リフローオーブン   1. 961s has 6 heating zones, suitable for welding 1.2 meter LED tubes and lead-free PCBs. 2. Infrared hot air technology control, equipped w

Vitronics Soltec XPM2-820 8ゾーン鉛フリーリフローオーブン

Features of  XPM2-820 8 zone lead free reflow oven 1. Windows XP platform, user friendly interface and easily swap between bilingual of 英語 & Chinese. 2. Digital control system adopted with PLC an

Vitronics Soltec XPM-820 8ゾーン鉛フリーリフローオーブン

Features of  Vitronics Soltec XPM-820 8ゾーン鉛フリーリフローオーブン • 8 heating zones • One-four cooling zones • Power hood lifts • RS-232 interface with PID microprocessor-based contro

Heller1913 MK5 シリーズ SMT リフロー炉

Features of Heller 1913 MK5 Series SMT リフローオーブン 1. 9 top and  bottom heated zones – highest zone count per linear foot in the industry. 2. 100″ heated length  for super reflow solderin

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